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Why Energy-Efficient Homes Save More Than Just Money

Why Energy-Efficient Homes Save More Than Just Money

Are you feeling the heat of climate change? Are you taking steps to live sustainably? They say charity begins at home, and what better way to cool things down than by building an energy-efficient home?

Energy-efficient homes are the buzz for all the right reasons. An energy-efficient home is constructed in a way to conserve energy. It exerts a lighter toll on the planet by consuming less energy, emitting fewer greenhouse gases, and relying less on non-renewable resources. Energy-efficient homes not only help you save money but also help you lead a more responsible life.

Here is more on why energy-efficient home construction saves more than just your money.

Ways Energy-Efficient Home Construction Saves More Than Just Money

Energy-efficient homes are capable of saving more than just money because they make use of energy-efficient home designs. Such homes use available space in the most energy-saving manner. The placement, volume, and proportion of doors and windows are cleverly chosen to enhance natural lighting. This also helps your home to adapt to the local climate and reduces dependence on powered lighting. The energy-efficient home remains warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

The energy-efficient architecture reduces dependence on artificial lights. Furthermore, the seals installed at doors and windows prevent heat loss. Such homes are installed with low-flow showers to prevent water waste.

That said, energy-efficient homes cannot be constructed just anywhere. The location, climate, and quality of the land matter.

Happy girl relaxing

Improves air quality considerably

Energy-efficient homes are known for improving both indoor and outdoor air quality.

But how can energy-efficient homes improve air quality? Energy-efficient homes equipped with high-efficiency filtration systems can improve IAQ (indoor air quality).

Not all HVAC systems are capable of filtering necessary pollutants found indoors. Thus, investing in only efficient filtering systems with high SEER ratings is recommended. Energy star rating thermostats are known to save electricity bills by 8 to 15%. Smart HVAC systems improve IAQ by using AI and machine learning to automate the filtering process based on occupancy levels, area, and other triggers.

Energy-efficient homes not only help combat climate change but also play a crucial role in reducing outdoor air pollution. By minimizing the reliance on electricity-powered appliances, these homes decrease the need for power plants to work at full capacity, consequently lowering the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. Less electricity consumption translates to reduced demand for energy generation and, ultimately, fewer harmful emissions.

Increases property value and reduces construction costs

Another reason why energy-efficient homes can save more than just your bank balance is that they are likely to attract more prospective buyers in the future.

These homes are the need of the hour, and any homebuyer would prefer to buy such a home over the conventional ones. In fact, as per a National Association of Realtors survey, around 63% of real estate brokers and agents prefer promoting energy-efficient homes in their house listing. Another stat says energy-efficient rated homes attract 2.7% more sale price than unrated homes.

It’s also known that energy-efficient homes with solar panels installed increase the resale value by 4.1%.

Do you know an average American switches home once every 5 years? They even sell their homes every 8 years before shifting or buying a new one. Moreover, around 6.02% of Americans aged between 30 and 49 years own a second home.

This can actually be a good reason to buy your first home energy-efficient. You can resell it and prevent the newer generation from building a new home. Preferring to live in a pre-constructed home is better for the environment as construction is responsible for 50% of climate change.

Solar panel technician with drill installing solar panels on house

Stimulates the economy and generates employment

Energy efficiency not only keeps your money safe in your pocket but also provides a huge boost for the economy. Energy-efficient homes contribute to employment generation, thereby not only saving your money but also adding money into the pockets of others.

As per, energy-efficient homes have contributed to the creation of 13 jobs for every $1 million spent on energy-efficient solutions. Furthermore, investing in energy efficiency generates $3 to $4 million of economic growth for every $1 million invested.

The increased popularity of solar panel installations, metal roofing installation, use of LED bulbs, energy efficient water heaters, and energy star appliances have all contributed to stimulating the economy through energy conversation and creating new opportunities for green business ideas.

Reduces your carbon footprint and saves environmental deterioration

You need to start with something to reduce your carbon footprint. If you possibly can’t make a switch from using personal vehicles to public transport for commuting, how about investing in an energy-efficient home?

You can even turn your current home energy efficient by:

  • Switching to energy-saving appliances
  • Reducing waste
  • Disposing of waste responsibly
  • Getting home insulated
  • Getting an energy audit done
  • Unplugging devices not in use
  • Installing weather stripping and double glazing on windows

Apart from reducing your carbon footprint, an energy-efficient home also helps you reduce your water footprint through a smart water management system.

Happy family on sofa

Increases the home’s lifespan

Both retrofitting your current home for energy efficiency and building or purchasing a new energy-efficient home offer equivalent advantages. Energy-efficient homes not only save money on energy bills but also require less maintenance.

For instance, choosing metal roofing over asphalt shingles is not only a sustainable choice but also provides longevity. Metal roofing lasts longer, is more durable, and can also be recycled.

Installing weather stripping and good insulation not only improves energy efficiency but also helps in maintaining the longevity of doors and windows. By preventing wear and tear, these measures save money on frequent repairs, making them a smart investment for long-term savings.

All energy-efficient appliances like smart thermostats, heat pumps, and SEER-rated HVACs come with a good warranty and require less maintenance. Moreover, you can also collect government rebates on switching to energy-efficient measures. For instance, the solar tax credit as per the Inflation Reduction Act is retained at 30% of the solar system costs.

The federal government provides rebates on the installation of certified air-source heat pumps over gas furnaces. These heat pumps can run on renewable energy sources like solar and reduce your energy consumption by 50%. The federal tax credit covers 30% of the heat pump installation and costs up to $2000. These rebates also vary from state to state and your household income.

All in all, these measures considerably reduce money spent on house maintenance. Thereby increasing the house’s lifespan.

Have Your Own Energy-Efficient Home Now!

In a nutshell, energy-efficient homes give back more to the environment and your pocket than it takes in. It makes your home comfortable and planet-liveable. From a broad perspective, it increases not only your home’s lifespan but your own as well, highlighting the long-term benefits of eco-friendly living.

Whether you start by taking small steps to convert your home energy efficient or invest in an energy-efficient home, either way, you will earn gratitude from both the planet and your conscience.

Start with minor switches today towards living in a healthier environment tomorrow. If you are looking to build an energy-efficient home, contact us today to learn more.

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